
This purpose of this website is to help educate the people of the equine world on the need for dentistry and then to point them in the right direction to making the best possible decision on the Equine Dental Practitioner who will work on your horse.
Equine dentistry has evolved immensely over the last few years and is fast becoming a very complex and specialised field, making the need for properly trained, Certified practitioners greater every day.
Please read the links on the right for a basic understanding of the points made.
About me
I have been involved with horses for most of my life, developing a passion for these amazing animals as I worked with them.
After finishing school I made the decision to pursue an equine career and dentistry found me. It is my absolute forte in life and I love what I do. I love the fact that I get to spend my life helping horses and horse owners.
When I originally decided to study Equine Dentistry I went to Australia where I became AEDP Certified in Equine Dentistry, this is a course based on manual instrumentation and concepts of practice. After a year in the industry I decided to broaden my horizons and knowledge so headed off to The United States of America where I became AED Certified in Equine Dentistry, this course is based predominantly on electric instrumentation and advanced equine dentistry principles.
Having the privilege of studying in both these countries and becoming certified in both manual and electric instrumentation has helped me immensely in my practice. It has given me the opportunity to draw knowledge and experience from some of the world’s top Equine Dental Practitioners and now allows me to make educated decisions on the exact treatment necessary for your horse and to competently perform the treatment that is necessary to a high standard.
I base my practice on the individuality of each and every horse I work with and they are as unique as any one of us, I do believe that when it comes to horses you will only truly begin to understand when you understand that you will never truly understand.
I look forward to working with your horse in the near future and I am more than willing to travel nationally as well as internationally to do my utmost best for your horse.
Andrew Portch
AEDP-CEqD and AED-CEqD / Dual CEqD